Graduates of UCC are granted consultation access on application.
Borrowing rights are not automatic and must be applied for in the usual manner.
Please note there is no access to:
UCC Library electronic resources
Computer or printing/photocopying/scanning facilities
Bookable spaces such as Group Study Rooms, Study Pods, Digital Scholarship Studio, Library Studio, Podcast Room, etc.
External readers should note that they accept Library Regulations by becoming members and are subject to the same rules as UCC students and staff. UCC Library External Reader cards are non transferable and can only be used by the person to whom the card is issued.
Fill out the online External Reader Application Form and submit.
You will receive a confirmation email containing your reference number.
Processing of External Reader Applications can take up to 1 week.
Please Note: failure to complete all sections of the application form or provide sufficient information can delay the application process.
Once your application is approved you will receive an approval email. You will be requested to present yourself to the Library Services Desk with:
External Reader applications are processed during office hours (Monday – Friday 10:00 - 12:45 & 14:00 -16:30) or outside these hours by appointment.
Library users who require access to a Library Computer for research purposes or want to Copy/Print must have a login. Please select this option in the application form if you require any of these services.
External Readers do not have access to UCC Library electronic resources.
Wi-Fi is only available to staff and students of UCC or to students of other Universities that are on the Eduroam network.
Consultation | Borrowing | |
12 Months | €60 | €110 |
6 Months | €40 | €70 |
3 Months | €30 | €50 |
2 Weeks |
€20 |
Consultation | Borrowing | |
1 Month | €20 | €30 |
A Consultation Card entitles the External Reader to use Library materials within UCC Library and to avail of a study space.
Those with borrower access are entitled to borrow four items excluding short-loan books, identifiable by yellow labels on the spine and DVDs. Certain categories of material may only be used for consultation in the Library, i.e. reference works and journals.
The normal loan period is 2 weeks - renewable twice, in person, online, by telephone and email, unless it is recalled by another reader.
External readers should note that they accept Library Regulations by becoming members and are subject to the same rules as UCC students and staff.